Elevated Protection

Elevated coverage extends the warranty period by 1 year and includes accident forgiveness and expedited RMA turnaround.

Categories: Service Plan
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  • Code Complete 1-year warranty extension
  • Access to Code's live technical support
  • Access to Code's knowledge center
  • Access to online firmware updates
  • Code Complete accident forgiveness coverage
  • Expedited RMA turnaround

Code is committed to providing an outstanding level of service tailored to your needs. Our Code Complete service program offerings are available for all barcode readers, only excluding engines, CR9XX series readers, and serialized accessories (excluding batteries) kitted with the covered readers. Code Complete product service plans must be purchased with or within ninety (90) days of the purchase of the covered barcode readers.

Accident Forgiveness Customers may receive a one-time refurbished replacement if the covered unit is stolen, lost, or returned with damage that voids the warranty. Accident Forgiveness Coverage does not apply to accessories. Replacement is limited to one replacement during the warranty period. Replacement units may be a repaired or refurbished unit at Code’s discretion. The replacement unit is warranted for the remaining duration of the warranty period applicable to the replaced unit. 

RMA Turnaround Time Return Shipment is FedEx Ground Shipping or 5-day equivalent. 5-Day Shipment is not available for all geographies and may be affected by international custom clearance procedures. 

*1 Day Express and 3 Day Shipment are not available for all geographies and may be affected by international custom clearance procedures. Contact Code for additional information regarding specific countries.

**Code will only advance-ship a replacement barcode reader if Code Support is unable to assist the customer in repairing the warranted unit remotely. Code may withhold approval of advance replacement shipping if the customer fails to cooperate with Code's remote diagnosis and repair process reasonably or has failed to return RMA units for which replacements have previously been sent. Replacement units approved for shipping after to 12 PM MST will be shipped on the next business day. Shipping may be delayed if the replacement unit requires custom software or configuration or if replacement units are not available in inventory. Code may not have units available for next day turnaround of advanced replacement if units are collected and submitted for RMA in bulk. Customers should submit RMA requests as soon as possible after a unit failure.

All purchases are done through one of our many sales partner companies. Code is happy to help consult with you to determine the best partner for your specific needs, project detail and industry.